Photo Bath was launched in 2014 by a small group of active photographer who are keen to promote new work in Bath.
PhotoBath welcomed Ben, a long time friend of the group, past collaborator and contributor to discuss his own work and current photography project. He said it was unusual for him to have the opportunity to elaborate on his own work as so often, in his professional capacity as the editor of Digital Camera Magazine, produced…
“I’m more interested in a photography that is ‘unfinished’ – a photography that is suggestive and can trigger a conversation or dialogue. There are pictures that are closed, finished, to which there is no way in.” Paolo Pelegrín Monday 24th – Sunday 30th September 2018 Venue: 44AD Gallery, Bath Private View: 6pm, 25th September, 2018 at…
In November 2016 and as part of the highly successful PhotoBath exhibition featuring examples of work by Sebastiao Salgado, Max Caffell gave a fascinating talk about his own career as a fine platinum print maker working with Salgado and the other top photographers he’s worked with. In this presentation he describes the platinum process in…
There are still some copies left of the second PhotoBath Showcase book available featuring over 60 pages of members work and contact details. Only 100 copies were printed and only a few remain. Both Showcase #1 and #2 are available from Magalleria, Broad Street, Bath, at the regular monthly meeting or contact the team…
Carlo Chinca attracted PhotoBath’s largest evening audience in it’s three year history on Monday. With an accompanying slide presentation he talked about his life and work beginning in Bath and subsequently moving to London and then Spain before returning back to Bath. He has won the Nikon International Award and his work has appeared in…
With the positive reception of our first group photo publication, Showcase 1, we are now fielding entries for Showcase 2. PhotoBath members are invited to confirm their interest in having their work appear in this publication. Could those interested respond by Monday 22nd May. We will then be able to look at the full costs of publication…
Longtime PhotoBath stalwart, Gabriel Stillwater drew the largest gathering ever to attend one of our regular monthly meetings. With extracts read by his wife Lynne, he talked about his major book project about the lives of fictional characters based on his archive of fascinating family photo albums which he has acquired over 40 years in…
It is with great sadness that we report the news that Paul Caffell – a friend of PhotoBath – died on 18th February, 2017. In 1988, Paul established 31 Studio, the first workshop dedicated to the platinum photographic printing processes since its decline in the early 1920s. Paul, a successful painter and photographer, first came across examples…
I consider my work is essentially a celebration of humanity, made with humanity as well as aesthetics in mind, catching fellow humans when relaxed, animated or thoughtful in public spaces. I often look for humour and irony in my subjects, but I do not shy away from sadder and more thoughtful images when they present…
The 2017 members exhibition preparations are now underway and we are inviting all members on our mailing list and in our Facebook group to submit work for consideration by our judging curating panel. An opportunity to get your work printed, framed and hanging with your fellow PhotoBath friends. The Venue As last year, the venue will…